Importance of Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning is the essence of starting or changing any organization. To initiate a start or change you must know what you want to do. This may seem like a simple task but in reality, what makes sense to you may not be clear to your colleagues, clients or customers. This is why strategic planning is so important.
Strategic planning can help you get organized, and communicate what you want to do with any stakeholder for your organization.
One of the first things you'll need to lead your strategic plan is a clear mission statement, and if you don't have one, make one. A mission statement is a short statement that tells your audience what your organization is and what they do. It should be strong and memorable
You may also want to think about a creating a vision. A vision statement is something that tells your audience what you would like to accomplish or a utopian idea of your organization.
The mission (and vision) serve as a basis for identifying goals of the organization. Once you have named several goals/aims (you can have 2, 3, 4, or 20), you can begin to plan what activities should be done to obtain your goals, who is responsible for carrying out the activity and evaluating progress over time.
Now What:
ThriVinci can help your team facilitate a strategic planning session(s). If you have experience with strategic planning and want to be part of the ThriVinci team, consider filling out our volunteer form. Or, if your organization is in need of help with strategic planning, contact us to set up a meeting.
Here is a website with lots of good information about developing a mission and vision as well as more about strategic planning.