skilled professionals sharing knowledge to empower the community
Maximizing charitable impact
Extending the reach of nonprofit organizations
Empowering skilled professionals
Working to continuously improve
Employing strategic business solutions
Thinking analytically and lean
Strengthening business acumen
Finding meaning in work
Promoting transparency and effective communication
ThriVinci is an organization of skilled professionals who donate their time and expertise to improve nonprofit organizations. Volunteer consultants work directly with ThriVinci’s experienced staff to elevate the impact of fellow nonprofits by implementing organizational effectiveness, which focuses on talent management, leadership development, and organizational design and structure. They support fellow nonprofits’ projects and goals by sourcing them with talented and driven volunteers. ThriVinci matches volunteers to nonprofits based on skills and common goals.
Who We Are
News & Events
Giving Tuesday 2022 - ThriVing Pets Donation Drive
For Giving Tuesday we supported our furry friend community by raising $485 worth of donated pet supplies that benefited the Midwest Dog Rescue Network and Felius Cat Cafe here in Omaha!

April Ambitions - DoGood Week
Celebrate volunteerism and lifting the community up in April 2021 by participating in DoGood week, April 19th-24th powered by ShareOmaha. Read ThriVinci's April Ambitions Newsletter

Thriving 2020 Annual Empowerment Newsletter
As the year comes to a close, join the ThriVinci team as we reflect on personal and organizational achievements in our annual 2020 Empowerment Newsletter.
All of our hearts and hands will lift the metro for #GivingTuesday402.
For Giving Tuesday December 1st, 2020, let’s harness the power of all.
Join us as we raise and donate personal hygiene and cleaning products to the Open Door Mission and Charles E. Lakin in our Supplies to Thrive Drive.

Omaha Storm Chasers Community Night
ThriVinci is honored to be the Community Organization of the Night at Werner Park on Weiner Wednesday during Bark in the Park. Join us August 28th,2019 as we cheer on the Omaha Storm Chasers against the Nashville Sounds, learn more ThriVinci and meet members of our time while having FUN! Find more information on Facebook.

Volunteer & Beer
ThriVinci and ShareOmaha are collaborated to host a volunteer fair at Flagship Commons on April 18th, 2019.​

Infotec - Considering Purpose, People, and Process when Management Change
April 2, 2019 ThriVinci be presented at AIM's Infotec Conference. Infotec is a place where tech leaders are enabled to better prepare themselves for the challenges of the future.